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Our Mission in 3 I's


To Establish a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus and continually grow in our love for him.


For Every Disciple to grow in knowledge of who they are in Jesus and walk in the fullness of their identity.


Ultimately, the goal is for there to be an Increase in Disciples who go out and make more Disciples. (Matthew 28:19)

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About Dude Disciple

Dude Disciple is focused on teaching practical truths in scripture through blogs and videos to help men come to a knowledge of the truth of who they are in Christ, grow in their love for Jesus, and come to a place of maturity where God uses them to make more disciples.

What Readers are Saying...

"Just come across your website and FB page and wow, you guys are awesome. Very informative content, great explanations that are easy to understand and articles that speak biblical truth and offer great advice. We need more websites/pages like this. You've helped me already and I look forward to reading more articles/posts."​
Carly W.
"These guys have a true heart for Jesus and a calling to share Him with other young men. If you know any young guys (teens and 20s), encourage them to come here or visit their website. They will come around them with God's love and encourage them in the true way."
Gary P.
"I cannot find words to express my thankfulness and joy l am having when l went through this whole teaching…l have been looking everywhere for a answer for the meaning of “secret place” because l was seeking God..."​
Joyce S.

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