This is a complete guide on how to hear God’s voice.
In this guide you’ll learn:
- What the Bible says about hearing God’s voice (scripture)
- How to discern God’s voice from your voice and the voice of the Enemy
- 7 Common ways that God speaks to us
- How to confirm that you are indeed hearing the voice of God
- A step-by-step activity to help you get started on hearing His voice
- And more…
If you’re looking to hear and discern God’s voice with confidence, you’ll love this post.
Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
1. The Basics Of Hearing God’s Voice
3. How To Discern God’s Voice From The Voice of The Enemy
4. How To Know God’s Voice From Your Own
6. Side Notes & Common Questions

The Basics Of Hearing God’s Voice
Who does God speak to?
Oftentimes people think that in order to hear the voice of God, you need to be some kind of pastor or prophet.
The truth is God speaks to all people… even those who are non-believers.
For example:
In Numbers 22, God speaks through a donkey to a pagan prophet. In Genesis 41, God speaks to pharaoh in a dream, and in Daniel 5 God speaks through a writing on the wall to Belshazzar.

These are just some of the examples in scripture of God speaking to the world.
But what about those who have accepted Jesus into their life?
In John 10:27 Jesus said:
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
“The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” (John 10:3-4).

If you are a born again believer, you have already heard God’s voice at some point in your life because you are a part of His sheep.
The only problem is that you might have not been aware of it or you denied that it was really Him.
Stop and think about all the moments when:
- You were convicted of sin
- Someone popped into your mind that you knew you had to pray for
- You were prompted to tell someone about Jesus
- And so on…
Many times, this was the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to you and guiding your way.

What does the voice of God sound like?
Sometimes when we think of hearing God’s voice, we think it is just about waiting until you hear the audible and thundering voice of God.
Like in John 12, When God speaks to the crowd about his beloved son…
It says:
“The crowd that was there and heard it, said that it had thundered”
Although God can speak in this way, most of the time, it’s not like that.
God speaks in different ways and some of the ways He speaks doesn’t involve any words at all.
7 Common ways that God speaks

1. The Bible – God often speaks through the Bible by highlighting certain words that directly apply to our life and gives us understanding of its meaning.
2. His Still Small Voice – In 1 Kings 19:12, The Bible talks about the Lord speaking to Elijah through a gentle whisper or a still small voice. God’s still small voice usually comes in the form of a thought or whisper in our mind.
3. Impressions in our spirit – An impression in the spirit is like a tug on your heart or a deep sense of knowing in your spirit. It feels as if the Lord is speaking something directly to our inner man.
4. Pictures – Sometimes God will speak through a still picture in our mind as He did with Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:11).

5. Visions – A vision is when God shows you a moving picture or scene that is being played out like a video in your mind.
6. Dreams – Also referred to as visions of the night, Dreams are different from visions in that they happen while you sleep. (Genesis 31:24)
7. Trance – A trance is like an open vision where your mind is unaware of your surroundings while you are awake (Acts 10).

How To Confirm The Voice of God
1. The Bible
The Bible should always be our foundation for hearing and confirming the voice of God in our life because everything He speaks always points to the scripture.
If God truly is speaking to you, His word will never contradict the Bible.
For example:
God’s still small voice will never ask you to lie, steal, or sin in any way, no matter what the circumstances look like.
His voice will always be in alignment with what the Bible says.
This means your first source of confirmation should always be to compare what you’re hearing with what the scripture says.
2. The Fruit of the Spirit
When the Holy Spirit is in a place, a moment in time, or voice, the fruit of His Spirit will be there:
Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

When God speaks, He will often confirm the word or vision by coating it with the Fruit of the Spirit.
As you hear or discern an answer or an impression in your thought life, does it bring a deeper awareness of Peace with it? Do you sense His love or His gentleness as He speaks?
The way you feel inside when you hear the Lord’s voice can be a good indicator of whether it really is God or not.
Which brings us to our next point:

How To Hear God’s Voice When Making A Decision
One of the best ways to hear God’s voice when making a decision is by presenting your options before the Lord and following the direction of His peace. It is His peace that passes all understanding which guards our heart and mind while leading us at the same time.
Philipians 4:6-7 says:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Here’s how you can make this verse practical to your life:
Let’s say I’m faced with 2 options regarding a future decision.
Option A, which brings with it one set of positive and negative outcomes, and Option B, which brings with it another set.
As I spend time with Jesus, I start thinking over the beauty of Option A and present it before Him.
I remind myself of His promise: that He will never leave me nor forsake me, regardless of which decision I make.
Then I ask the Lord:
“Lord, How should I be looking at this?”
Many times, He will begin to lead my thinking about the situation.
I realize that if I do Option A, He will be with me. There is a real presence of peace in my inner man.
I then spend time processing Option B with Him in the same way and see, if I do that, He will likewise be with me.
Wherever I sense His peace or a greater measure of His peace, I know that’s where He wants me to go.

How To Discern God’s Voice From The Devil’s
Jesus said the
This voice is usually a voice of condemnation, fear, self-hate, shame, doubt, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc.
It often sounds like this:
“You’re a pathetic loser.”
“You will never be as good as that guy.”
“God is not going to speak with you. He doesn’t even like you anymore. Remember that sin from 2 days ago?”

When the voice of the Enemy comes up in your thought life, you don’t want to meditate on that – you want to counterattack it with the promises of God.
For Example:
The Enemy: “Remember that sin from 2 days ago?”You: “God thank you that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus according to Romans 8:1”. Thank you that as your child I can come boldly before your throne in a time of need according to Hebrews 4:16.

How to Discern God’s Voice From Your Own Voice
The best way to discern God’s voice from your own is to practice stepping out and acting on his voice when you think it’s Him. As you take those steps of faith, He helps you sort out and recognize his voice through a process of learning.
For example:
A banker who spends most of his day touching real money is much more likely to know when a fake bill gets passed to him versus someone who doesn’t handle money very often.

The more time you spend in the secret place with your attention on God, the more accurately you will be able to recognize and discern his voice throughout the regular rhythms of your day.
The truth is, you will get it wrong sometimes.
That’s okay.
Every child first colors outside the lines, before they learn to color more perfectly within the lines.
The Lord will often start you out by asking you to do things that are very low risk anyway.
For example:
Let say you hear a voice ask you to tell someone that Jesus loves them at Walmart.
Even if you’re wrong and it wasn’t the Lord, you would still be okay.
But think about this for a moment:
What if you step out and tell that person that Jesus loves them and the person breaks down crying because they really needed to hear that.
Wouldn’t that be a pretty good indicator that this was indeed God’s voice?
You bet.

After you begin to listen to the voice of God and practice stepping out, you will eventually start to recognize a pattern.
You’ll notice that His voice carries a tone of gentleness and peace that sounds a little different than your voice.
Soon you get to a place where you start to recognize God’s voice like He’s your best friend.
The first time you met your best friend, you would not have recognized his voice if he called you on the phone the next day.
However, after one year of friendship, you would recognize the slightest whisper of your friend’s voice in a crowded room.
It is the same process with learning to distinguish God’s voice.

Step-By-Step Activity For Hearing God Speak
With all this information, you may be wondering…
How can I get started on hearing the lord’s voice? Is there something practical I can try right now?
Yes, there is!
In this section, we’re going to go through a step by step exercise on hearing God’s voice using the Bible.
In fact, I’ve used this same exercise with a bunch of teens from church who said they heard God speak to them through pictures, visions, and His still small voice during this exercise.
The best part?
It’s really easy and takes only a few minutes to try!
What you will need
- A pen and paper to write down anything that God might speak to you
- Preferably, a quiet place
- Simple, childlike faith

How it works
We’re going to read a few verses from Scripture. At the end of each verse, we’re going to ask God to make each verse specific to us and to speak to us through his Word.
Then, we just listen.
Simple right?
Let’s get started.
But first…
Before I do this exercise with people, I like to start with a simple prayer to hear God’s voice (feel free to join).
It goes something like this:
“Jesus thank you that You live inside each and every one of us. You say in John 10:27 that “My sheep hear My voice”, and if we are Your sheep we can hear Your voice. Thank you, Lord that Your voice drew us into a relationship with You and told us that we needed You. It was Your Voice that drew us into Your Kingdom and Family. I just ask that You would make us aware of Your voice and help us to hear Your voice clearly, God”
In Jesus name, Amen ☺️
Step 1: Read Psalm 23:1 out loud
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want
Jesus is the good Shepherd, which means that He is always watching over you, even when you’re not aware of it.
So with that in mind, I want you to ask the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit a question. This can be either in your mind or you can whisper it to Him.
Step 2: Ask The Lord This Question:
“How have you been protecting me this year that I have not been aware of?”
As I ask this question, I like to just close my eyes and focus on the Lord.
Step 3: Just rest for about 20-30 seconds
If you wanna hear someone’s voice in a conversation, you ask them a question, rest, and allow them to answer. Don’t speak or pray for now, just listen.
Step 4: Evaluate
Did you hear or feel Him say something to you?
Did you see a picture or vision of something?
How did that make you feel inside?
Side note: He doesn’t just speak something to our minds but also imparts something into our hearts. The voice imparts peace, joy, hope, etc. into us. That is the fruit so often of His voice.
Not hearing God? That’s ok! Don’t give up. You can either ask him the question again or continue on to the next one.
We’re going to go through the next few verses just as before.
Read Psalm 23:2 out loud
He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters
Question 2: Holy Spirit what is one area that you have been showing me your love that I am not even aware of… Would you highlight an area in which you have been pursuing me that I am not even aware of?
Rest for 20-30 seconds
Read Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Question 3: Holy Spirit, How have I been growing in righteousness this year, in what areas of my life have you been establishing right living and holiness in me?
Read Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Question 4: Jesus, What is one fear which I regularly have that you want me to lay down at your feet now?
If you want to keep going, you can ask Him some more questions such as:
• Jesus, How much do you love me?
• What do you love most about me?
• Who is one person that you are calling me to encourage throughout my day or in church?
• Would you show me who they are?
• How should I encourage them?

Side Notes & Common Questions
Before you begin to practice this, ask the Holy Spirit to help you hear His voice more clearly and to teach you to discern it. Make this a regular prayer of yours. It is only with His help that you will begin to discern His voice with greater accuracy.
Know this:
Like in any new thing you learn, you will make mistakes. In many situations, you will still not know for sure if it’s Him or not.
That’s okay!
A good father never gets angry at his child when they fall down as they learn to walk because He knows it’s part of the learning process.
He is patient with you and He will teach you, as long as you ask for His help. Keep your attention on Him and don’t give up.
Please, use common sense when you begin to try this. The Lord will never tell you to sin, harm anyone, etc. Dude Disciple is not responsible for anything you try or act on from this post.
“That’s just my voice, I’m hearing something, but it’s my voice.”
There’s one voice that responds to your question and another voice that comes right after that and says that’s just you.
Remember what Jesus said:
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” – John 10:10
I believe the first voice, almost always, is the Lord’s voice answering you. The second voice comes to steal that away or its a voice of condemnation: “you’re not qualified to do that, only pastors can do that” or “you’re not in right standing with God because you sinned 2 days ago.”
The Enemy is always building up a legal case in your mind about why you are not saved, why you cannot access your Father’s Presence or come into greater intimacy with Jesus.
I have learned that the first voice which answers, after I ask a question directed at Jesus, is almost always the Lord’s voice answering me. And it often is calling me to step out in faith in some way to release Jesus.
He doesn’t just speak something to our minds but almost always imparts something into our hearts. His words, or His reply, are often coated with an aspect of His Spirit.
Now I’d like to hear from you:
What did you get for the first question?
Did you sense a fruit of the Spirit as the Lord answered you?
What helped you the most from this post?
Let me know by leaving a quick comment below right now.
This was excellent! This definitely worked for me. I have bee praying to the Lord about hearing his voice even more clearer. I’m glad I found this site . Praise God !
This gave me a sense of peace. Do you know I’ve always have had the voice in my head Loud,directing me to being, Righteous,seek Holiness,Be forgiving and show love genuinely to all no matter what I’ve been through but I’ve always thought it was me in my head because it sounded like my voice. Today I thank God 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 this has helped me 100%
This is well taught, practical, and from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your obedience
Thanks Heather!
Yes, it’s what I was looking for too. Thank you.
God can sometimes put a song in your heart as an answer too, I had an experience when he was telling me to “wait”
I thank God for leading me to your website. Thank you for the practical guide. I’m going to begin to practise following the steps you have written.
I’m so excited as this has been my prayer – to hear God speaking to me daily and how I can help others do the same. I have shared your blog to many already!
God bless you more, gentlemen of the Most High God!
Thank you Alma! Glad you could receive from this.
This is wonderful and holy ghost inspired. Thank you Brother Val
When asking God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit these questions I didn’t have time to think God suddenly answered.
that’s amazing!
I mean i’m thankful beacuse i really needed this, and I’m pretty sure, it helped me, can’t wait to start hearing God’s voice and following it. Thank you.
I have been longing to to hear God speak again, but was so distracted with life’s ongoing situations and circumstances but I had heard his voice before and it’s been a long time but this morning in searching how to hear his voice so desperately.
I know God lead me to your site and yes it refreshed my mind in how to know it’s God the holy spirit speaking.
Thank you my brother for your obedience to God
Hey guys thanks for this! I’m about to teach some college students about hearing God’s voice and this is so practical and helpful. I love the exercise as well.
Thanks Katherine, glad it helped 🙂
Question? What is your experience or what do you suggest on this that you mentioned above in regards to how to dial in more precisely to his voice?
“I dialed in more to the precise frequency of His voice.”
For example the distinct voice I’ve heard almost always seems to be spontaneous, like it comes when I least expect it, which is fine. However when expecting, I don’t seem to get that same distinct voice.
I would say by clearing my mind of every other thought and giving Jesus my full attention. Sometimes we allow our reasoning to get in the way of simply resting in Him after we’ve asked a question and trusting that He will answer most of the time.
this article has been so useful for me…
I’ve been having doubts about if it’s really God’s voice for…. I don’t know maybe months or years… and I’m often on and off with Jesus.
and after coming back again to Him, I just want to grow deeper in Him and today I felt like I heard Him in my head but I wasn’t sure but this article help me out alotttt.
I’m grateful and so thankful to you for writing such an amazing article.
Praise God! I’m glad it helped you Ruth 🙂
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thank u
Glorious God, wow so helpful 👏
I know this blog was intended for men, but i just came across your articles and have already read three and shared one with two friends. Very practical, concise and loaded. Bless you.
Thank you Candice!
I have been asking God to help me listen and discern His voice. This instruction is precise and concise. I am going to teach it to my children and those close to me.
This was excellent! This definitely worked for me. I have bee praying to the Lord about hearing his voice even more clearer. I’m glad I found this site . Praise God !
Praise God! Happy to hear that.
Great step by step guidance. It works. Thank you
Very simple and well presented! I also hear God through music. Anytime I play piano or Pipe Organ, I feel the presence of God!
Thanks for the post.
Thank you! yes, absolutely, God does speak through music and many other things. Just wanted to cover a few of the most common ones here 🙂
I am so thankful for this.
I was preparing to sleep when i heard a voice call out my name. I had just read my bible and prayed. It was so weird. It tagged on my heart. Thats why i woke up immedately and searched “How to know when God is speaking to you.”
I am at the point when i am taking my faith serious and doubt over took me after hearing it. My heart says it’s the Holy Spirit. But i didn’t know for sure.
I tried the exercises again though.
thank you!
Oh am grateful for the teachings it has really helped me to be stable on the voices I hear. Thanks alot I’ve gotten alot.
Thanks Job!
Thank you so much for this. It was just what I needed in this season of my life.
Such an abstract concept taught with such clarity that now I may help teach others.
For example, my question was how does a young man know that God has sent him his wife. Some men want to “hear” that directly from God that she is the one and I want to help them understand how God might manifest this…
Thank you Lattie, that’s encouraging to hear.
Thank you so much for this post. This has erased most of my fears and self condemnation. I am ready to have a conversation with my Maker.
Col, that is amazing! All Glory to Jesus.
Thank you very much for doing this. May God be praised. I asked a different question. I asked him the reason how he kept me save when I was not a born again and u didnt die in my sins? And I asked him why I am created? I got this you are created to preach my word and to save souls that was why I kept you even when you were in the world. Then I asked, to Evangelize? I got a Yes but I’m still working on you and you need to get rid of the dead works you have in your mind.
Then I said I dreamt last night and I saw you giving out new hearts to people, heart of Obedience. ( I have been praying for a right heart for sometime now. Before I dreamt and saw him giving out new hearts)
And he said you already have a new heart but you need to stop doubting and keep trusting that I’m working in you and you will see the change. I really felt peace inside of me. But then again I dont know if I’m the one speaking because it was so easy and so peaceful. I’ve been praying for God to teach me how to recognize his voice.
I’m sorry for my long post…
Nina, I’m so glad you asked God these other questions, since the goal is to be able to communicate with Him in this way every day. The peace of God is a great indicator of His voice as well. Keep seeking Him and He will help you recognize His voice even more.
Thank you very much. And I also thank God for what he is doing in my life. The transformation. I have been hearing this still voice more often than before and sometimes I get scared of myself like is it that easy a d fast? Sometimes, it’s like a conversation, sometimes I argue with the voice. 2 nights ago, I felt I was about to wake up from my sleep when something pulled me back and I saw a figure but I can’t say if it’s a man or not but I saw a hand that opened my note book ( I am someone that take notes a lot during preaching) and what that hand was showing to read was, THOSE WHO FALLS OUT OF FAITH IN TIMES OF TEMPTATION WILL FALL OUT OF FAITH DURING THE TIMES OF TRIBULATIONS. then I woke up.
Nina, It’s good to hear that God is doing a work in your life and transforming you. It really is that easy and fast to hear God’s voice when you’re walking with Him. At the same time, we still have to learn to discern the moments when it’s Him and test it with the scriptures. As for the dream, I think that’s interesting and I would ask the Lord more about it to see what it could mean.
After reading the first question which asked how God has been protecting me this year and I have not been aware of that, the line “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” came to mind. I walk about freely and I know God has been protecting me. Multiple images flashed through my mind and now just as a confirmation, I live in China even in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic and God has still been protecting me.
Gloria, that is encouraging to hear. Truly his protection is over us at all times, yet it’s those moments where He shows us that we start to appreciate it even more.
Very simple and well presented!
Thank you so much!
Thanks! God bless 🙂
I didn’t hear any message, vision, nothing. What does this mean? Do I keep trying? For how long?
Hi Terri, that’s okay. Don’t give up, but simply continue spending time with Jesus and seeking Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to hear His voice and I believe He will.
I’m going to work on this.thank you sir
The first question….I saw a lion….hehehe…Persistence and discipline is key to learning Gods voice….one day i pray i’ll be able to hear Him even in the noisiest of environments…
Love it! Yes, it will increase more and more as you come to know him deeper 🙂
I cannot find words to express my thankfulness and joy l am having when l went through this whole teaching…l have been looking everywhere for a answer for the meaning of “secret place” because l was seeking God.l want to be close with him l want to kniw him more but most of all l wanted to hear him.Thank you sooooooooo much l found it all through you.l only wish l can talk to .
Thank you Joyce! So encouraging to hear that.
George, My son in law when he first started praying saw a lion . The lion represents the Lion of Judah !!!!
Wow, that’s beautiful!
I really like your article! I recently learned that my prophetic personality is “hearer” so I have been wanting to grow closer to God and learn how I can better hear his voice. I am very excited about this new experience! As I was discussing this with my best friend, she brought up the idea that trying to force God to talk or asking him questions could be challenging Him or His authority and power. What is your stance on this? I desperately want to hear God speak to me, but I also don’t want to challenge God because He does have the ultimate authority over me. How do I know if I am listening as a child does do her Father or if I am listening with a negative spirit by challenging or questioning God? Would I be better off just sitting in silence with an open Bible and a journal and wait until God is ready to speak to me?
Hi Grace, thank you for bringing this up. I don’t believe that asking God a question is challenging him at all when you do it with the right heart.
By asking him a question you are engaging in conversation with the Lord. Part of building a real relationship with someone requires asking questions, otherwise, it’s not going to go very far. In John 14-16, Jesus tells us at least 4 times to “ask the Father anything in his name”, Jeremiah 33:3 says “call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” The disciples were constantly asking Jesus questions – even things that would frustrate you and me, Jesus was willing to answer them with patience and explain his parables to the disciples.
Finally, I would say this: God is so much more good than we think He is. When you come to know God, you realize just how much He loves his children and loves when his children talk to him. If your child came up to you and asked you a question like: “do you love me?” Would you get offended or feel like your authority is challenged? No… How much more loving and understanding is our heavenly father than we are?
All we have to do is believe with simple faith that our Father loves to talk to us and that He will answer (at least most of the time)
Hope this helps 🙂
“The simplest Christian, who has neither the opportunity nor wherewithal to conduct a historical investigation of Jesus’ resurrection, can know with assurance that Jesus is risen because God’s Spirit bears unmistakable witness to him that it is so.”
—William Lane Craig, The Son Rises, p. 8
Gary: This is why Christians believe, dear Reader. Strip away their appeals to weak historical and empirical evidence, and they will still believe. Believers in the Resurrection are absolutely certain that an executed first century peasant came back to life and is currently sitting on a golden throne somewhere at the edge of the universe—ruling as King of the Cosmos—primarily due to their gut feeling that his ghost inhabits their body. We are dealing with irrational thinking, my fellow skeptics. Rational discussions regarding evidence will get us no where with these misguided people. We must address their superstitious feelings and perceptions.
Very nice articles, helped me sincerely..
Honor and Glory to Jesus and Holy spirit.
Amen ! God is Good.
This page has answered most of my question, what I was searching for, Thanks Valentyn
Thanks Abraham! I’m glad it helped 🙂
Going thorough this post, i had peace of mind. Thanks
So good to hear! Blessings.
Iwill come with a tesmony lhave been searching what to do to hear God…thank you so much God bless you
Dennis, I’m so happy to hear that. May you continue to grow in the lord and improve in hearing his voice!
[…] Romans 10:17 says that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” […]
God speaks to us through other people. You mentioned walking into a coffee shop and the small voice urging you to speak to someone there. If you are the other person, whoever comes to speak to you was send by God.
Selie, Absolutely. God speaks through many different ways (couldn’t list all of them here), especially through people. The goal was to list some of the ways that God speaks to us directly. Hope you enjoyed the post 🙂
This is quite a thorough guide to hearing God’s voice. The scriptures are also great ways of painting a picture about how God wants us to hear from Him.
Thanks for the comprehensive and detailed post on hearing God’s voice. This has a lot of encouraging tips and things to think about.
This is a very comprehensive post. I love the step by step exercise. Thanks
Thanks Christine!
This is fantastic! I am going to share this with
My small group. We have been talking about following God and how you know where he is leading.
Thank you for the share Lydia! Highly Appreciated.
What an amazing post! I love it! This is so comprehensive I am going to pin it as well as comment. I believe God speaks to us all the time. If I am not hearing from Him, I assume I’m not listening, or have been distracted. By the way, I have seen short “word sentences” as I would call them, as messages from God. I might see “Let it go” in my head as if it were written on paper, for example. That has happened several times. God bless you!
Janene, Yes that’s so true! He always has something to say. Word sentences in your mind is certainly another way that God speaks and I believe there are many more, We just listed the most common ones we know.
Quite an interesting post…Love the layout and formatting. Great job on this article very detailed and helpful tips.
Thanks Stacy!
Thank you for this
Matt, you’re welcome!
There’s some really helpful information in this post! I’ve been a Christian for many years, however sometimes I still question if I’m hearing God right… Especially when going through a difficult time. One thing I always remind myself is that God cares about even the most trivial of things in my life and He is more than happy to speak to me. I just need to lean in and truly listen. Blessings, Jo
Jo, thank you! You’re absolutely right. God loves speaking to his children and wants to be a part of every little area in our lives – even things like grocery shopping. Sometimes all we have to do is ask him and tune in to what he wants to say.
I think this post will be very useful for me! I sometimes have trouble discerning God’s voice, but I know when I hear His voice I do feel a sense of peace and purpose. So, thank you so much for confirming this for me!
So good to hear! I’m so glad the lord is using this post to give you a greater awareness of his voice and helping you discern his voice more easily 🙂
Thank you!
Thank you!
You’re welcome!